Vidiot wrote:
> >There are newer RPMS for bind P5 as far as i know that take care of yet
> >an additional exploit found. I would sugget you visit and
> >check that out.
> I found no new RPMs at, just source.  The chart seems to indicate
> that the P3 release is just fine.
> Anyone at Redhat care to comment on the P5 patch not being on line?
> >As far as sendmail is concerned the restart wont work as long as there
> >are multiple instances of sendmail running, if there is only one, then
> >the restart will work. Notice if you do a stop, then look at the ps,
> >there may be more running, and doing another stop will stop that
> >additional sendmail process. You must stop until they are all dead, then
> >the restart will work, as well as the start.
> Thanks, that explains that.
> MB
> --
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>     programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
>     Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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At on the home page is a discussion of P5, might only be a
tarball, although i have this in an rpm here somewhere. What version of
RedHat and what version of the kernel are you running? If you cannot
find it, i can probably whip you up a quickie src.rpm for you to rebuild
on your server.


Michael B. Weiner
Systems Administrator/Partner
The UserFriendly Network (UFN)

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