There is a known bug in wu-ftpd or mc (depending on how you see it) which 
may be causing you problems...


 > This is a known bug in mc - it can't connect to servers running wu-ftpd
 > 2.6.0.
 > See
 > Didn't have the time to fix it yet.
 > LLaP
 > bero

At 18:37 15/02/00 -0600, you wrote:
>I've got RH 6.1, and all of the sudden any upload I make hangs almost
>Worked fine for a week or so, then just happened. Reinstalling fresh did not
>fix the
>problem. I've had this problem for over a week now and haven't found any
>The two suggestions I've had were: use TCPDump. Which I did, but it's not
>anything that points me to a solution. This may be because I really don't
>what to look for, but the answer isn't obvious to me. The other suggestion
>to check ipchains -L, and I did, it reports nothing.
>My ethernet card appears to be working fine. ifconfig shows the right info.
>I use
>DHCP, but it seems like the hostname/IP stuff is working correctly. As I
>things worked fine for a week (and for quite some time before that with RH
>before I reinstalled with RH 6.1) and then just magically quit working.
>If anyone has any ideas, I'd *really* appreciate it. My linux friends are
>and I've asked around just about everywhere but generally don't get replies.
>I'd write Redhat directly, but my 90 days of e-mail support with 5.1 expired
>quite some time ago. Help!

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