On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 10:29:49AM -0500, Christopher Molnar wrote:
| On another note, is it legal what they are doing? They are doing something
| that the FBI goes around and arrests people for. They are entering
| mycomputr system, wihout authorization.

No they're not:

        - they're testing your interface to _their_ system (arguably)
        - they're not _doing_ anything once connected
        - if you've got open ports, they're public services;
          got a big banner on 'em saying "oh, except for the admins
          of the network I'm using"?

Now, if they were hacking in on your system...

Seriously folks, get a sense of scale. If they're bugging you, put a
special case REJECT rule at the front of your firewall rules for them
and forget it.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

My father was a despatch rider during the last war. He rode BSAs but, for
reasons I still don't understand, he never bothered to tell me that they
were useless, unreliable piles of shit. - Grant Roff, _Two Wheels_ Nov96

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