> http://www.emeraldbiostructures.com/buffers.htm if anyone is interested
> in looking at the HTML.  Thanks,

        The page looks fine to me. Are you saying you can view other sites that
use Verdana in windows, but not with netscape in Linux? You might want
to check your XFree86 fontpath, make sure it's using XFS, or at least
the correct path for your truetype fonts if you're not using XFS. If you
want to check it out, my page uses Verdana as well, you might see if it
works for you... http://jaeger.morpheus.net/

HTH, Matt

            Matt Housh            Morpheus.Net Administrator
    email: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) web: (http://jaeger.morpheus.net/)

you played me well, mortal. but i have played me for time out of mind.

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