I'd have to disagree with this: I am using pages that have NO java in them
whatso ever, only javascipt and html, and netscape still bums out


On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, Wayne Dyer wrote:

> Ron Golan wrote:
> > [snip]
> > 
> > Its apparent that lots of people are have stability problems with
> > Netscape on Linux. I am not and I'm wondering why. It might be that I
> > don't use Communicator, only Navigator. It also might be that I don't
> > visit the sites that seem to use a lot of JavaScript. In any case I'm
> [...]
> JavaScript works fine.  It's Java that can cause a problem.  Some sites
> work fine.  Sylvan Prometric's online registration stuff is Java, and it's
> OK.  I don't know if it's bad Java or Java that happens to step on the toes
> of Netscape's particular VM.  Either way, it's annoying.
> One tip, though -- if you're on a site that uses Java, wait for the Java
> applets to load before you hit "back".  I think I've found that if you
> interrupt Netscape while an applet is either downloading or initializing,
> it's more prone to choke.
> -W-

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