Ward William E PHDN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[...explanation of soft vs. hard NFS mount...]
>I'm not being super clear, I know... but it's the easiest way I can explain

OK that explains it more or less, thanks.

>As for your fstab entry.... if you want it to automatically mount, why are
>running with noauto?
>Try doing
>mount server:/var/remotedir  /net/server/var/remotedir
>and see what happens.  If it mounts cleanly, then remove the noauto from
>fstab, and voila, you should have it.  

Yes, I can mount the volume by hand.  The directory /net and subdirectories
are managed by autofs, so I mount it by hand elsewhere, but it works fine.
No, removing the auto option in /etc/fstab doesn't help.  The man page
suggests that auto/noauto has to do with mount -a, and not much else.
I don't want the volume at boot because I'm not always coneected to the
network at boot.

I also reported that autofs works fine if I try to mount to a child of
/net, but not if I try to mount to a more deeply nested directory.
That is, mounting to /net/remote works, but mounting to
/net/server/var/remote doesn't.

>                                   BTW, if you are doing nosuid, why
>mount it rw?  Wouldn't it be better in that case to mount it ro?

Have to be able to write a token to check out a license, but nothing
executable is (or should be) on the volume.

Thanks for your help.  Any other ideas are welcome.

                Matthew Saltzman
                Clemson University Math Sciences
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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