I know I've seen this one before, but can't find it in the archives

I get these every ten minutes in the logs:

Mar 13 22:49:24 server inetd[10663]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in
Mar 13 22:59:24 server inetd[10663]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in

I have named setup to run at boot time in ntsysv. All I have in inetd.conf

[root@server /etc]# !grep
grep -v "^#" inetd.conf
pop-3   stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  ipop3d
auth    stream  tcp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/in.identd in.identd -e

So is auth tryin gto use the same port as bind?

What do I do to fix this?


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