Thanks Gordon!

Boy, right in front of my nose too. I knew it was going to be an easy

However, two things. 

1. Like Gustav, I would like to know which is better
2. I did not have identd selected in ntsysv, and am quite sure I didn't
start it mayself. So how did it get started? I'm thinking linuxconf is
trying to do it. If this is true, then maybe the simplest route is to run
it standalone and remove from inetd.conf. Anyone?

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> Charles Galpin wrote:
> > Mar 13 22:49:24 server inetd[10663]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in
> > use
> > Mar 13 22:59:24 server inetd[10663]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in
> > use
> > 
> > I have named setup to run at boot time in ntsysv. 
> hehehe... The "bind" in the syslog is referring to the bind() system
> call, not the BIND software  :)
> You're getting the error because you're trying to run identd (auth
> service) as a standalone daemon _AND_ through inetd.  Turn one of them
> off.

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