On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 01:06:42PM -0600, Stephen Hargrove wrote:
> hey all.  sorry for the OT, but i don't really know who else to ask.  i've
> just compiled and installed ntop.  following the instructions, i did a chmod
> 6111 such that ntop appears as:
> ---s--s--x   1 Stephen     users       746388 Mar 21 10:17
> /usr/local/sbin/ntop

Mine is:

[hal@feenix hal]$ ll /sbin/ntop
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root     sys    255928 May  3  1999 /sbin/ntop*

I installed via RPM, so this probably whoever did the spec file. Since
it needs to go into promiscuous mode (AFAIK), it may need to be
owned by root also. 
> i'm running it as follows:
> ntop -w 100
> which should place it in web mode listening to port 100.  however, when i
> try to access it with
> or
> http://linux:100
> i get the following:
> Network error
> Unable to read URL from host no response from server
> i get the same response regardless of the port i specify.  what am i
> missing?

Hal B

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