On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:

> Alan Mead wrote:
> >
> > Any port?  Are you running it as root?  100 is a privileged port.  I would
> > try something > 1000.  But I think you must still be root to run it.
> i'm running it as root.  i've tried various ports (e.g., 1000, 1050, 3000,
> 1024, etc.) all with the same results:
> Network error
> Unable to read URL from host no response from server

At one particularly paranoid point on my firewalling rules (based on
rlz.ne.mediaone.net at the time), I had rules that said anything that
looks like 192.168.* on my external interface was blocked, and anything
NOT like that on my internal interface was blocked.

Try using instead of, and look for a rule like the
one above.

Also try "telnet localhost 1000".

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