On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Thomas Ribbrock (Design/DEG) wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:15:09PM -0500, Virtual Angel wrote:
> > Sigs are indicated by "-- " at the beginning of a line.
> If only they were. There are still too many mailprograms out there not
> enforcing this Netiquette standard and many people simply don't know
> what the "-- " stands for. But then again, most mailprograms
> don't enforce the four lines maximum for sigs either. <sigh>

OTOH, I would venture to assume that most members of this list are
sufficiently experienced to handle this, or are educatable. :)  However, I
agree on a pet peeve of sigs without dashes -- they help me know where to
stop scanning text.

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