This won't allow a machine to boot from this hard drive will it?  I tried the
dd deal last week on a 8GB drive and it actually worked but took forever.  I
also tried the cpio deal before but had to run the install program to get lilo
to do it's thing.  At some point int the past there was a post about the
procedure a guy was using in a school lab to rebuild all his drives over the
network but I could not find it.

I would really like to know a way to clone a bootable disk quickly without
having to resort to ghost and it's per workstation ghosted (used to be at
least before Norton bought it, I assume it still is).

can dd or some other utility be used to copy the mbr and partition tables and
then use cpio.

I was getting close to trying to same the mbr to a file and then copying it
onto another drive when I ran out of research steam.  I wil be getting back to
this shortly and would appreciate any tips, as would the original poster since
I am hogging his thread for my own use :)


Jasper Jans wrote:

> | I have a RH box with an ide drive on /dev/hda
> | I'd like to clone this drive...
> |
> | Question:
> | Can I plug in another IDE drive as say /dev/hdb and run the following
> | command to do the trick?
> |
> | dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=512 count=1
> |
> | If not, what's the best way? Assume the person doing this is an end user
> | in another country (really is)... :)
> I doubt you have only 1 partition on this disk - but I always use the
> following command procedures:
> - insert the new drive
> - partition the new drive - make sure the new partitions are just as big
>   or bigger than the original ones
> - mount the first new partition under /mnt
> - cd to the first partition on the old hd
> - find . -print | cpio -pdm /mnt
> - unmount /mnt
> - repeat for the other partitions
> This way you dont end up with an exact copy of the old disk - which is
> probably not what you want anyways - but you can actualy specify the
> size of the new partitions.
> J.
> --
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