or you can skip the gunzip command and do:

tar xvzf filename.tar.gz

once tar has unarchived the package you cd into the newly created directory and
there should be README and INSTALL files to read.  typically, though, you can
'cd' into root and then run:

/make ; make install

of course there are exceptions.  your best bet is to read those README's and
INSTALL files.

hope that helps a bit.

On Sun, 04 Jun 2000 17:55:25 Kurt A. Brust wrote:
     :gunzip filename.tar.gz
     :hit enter
     :type tar -xvf filename.tar
     :thats all there is to it!
     :On Sun, 04 Jun 2000, Jerry Human wrote:
     :> Hello RH People:
     :> While trying to get ppp to work in RH 6.2 I was surfing the web in
     :> and found a few packages I'd like to use and D/Led them. Unfortunately
     :> they are in .tar.tar and .tar.gz packages. I'm a newbie and don't
     :> Linux RH geek yet but that is what the manpages are written with.
     :> someone be kind enough to tell me how to uncrunch/build/install these
     :> packages? I guess I'll just give up on ppp and keep Win95 for surfing
     :> and email since nothing works to get ppp setup correctly.
     :> Thank you.
     :> -- 
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