Jerry Human wrote:

> Hello RH People:
> While trying to get ppp to work in RH 6.2 I was surfing the web in Win95
> and found a few packages I'd like to use and D/Led them. Unfortunately
> they are in .tar.tar and .tar.gz packages. I'm a newbie and don't speek
> Linux RH geek yet but that is what the manpages are written with. Would
> someone be kind enough to tell me how to uncrunch/build/install these
> packages? I guess I'll just give up on ppp and keep Win95 for surfing
> and email since nothing works to get ppp setup correctly.


Your Redhat 6.2 install probably has everything you need to connect to an
ISP via ppp.  If this is all you are trying to achieve, you might try
looking at
I have not actually looked at this but it seems to be redhat specific so it
might be less confusing.

It has been my experience that almost anything can be done on a redhat box
using rpm files.  These are packages that can be installed via a simple rpm
-ivh filename command.  rpm is your friend.

To see if you have ppp installed try the following:

rpm -ql ppp

this command says to query (-q) the rpm data base and list (l) the files
installed by the package.  If you get anything other than a package not
insalled message, chances are you are good to go.

If the package is not installed get the cd or whatever you used to install
and cd  to the RedHat/RPMS directory and type rpm -ivh ppp*.rpm

For the setup of my ppp connections I find that linuxconf does everything I
need it to.
Try it out and get back to the list if you have any problems.

Another good resource is the searchable archives of this list at

As far as the tar.tar thing goes it could be a tarball of tarballs or just a
naming problem.  Most of what you view as extensions in a *nix environment
are just conventions and do not mean any thing to the OS.  I use midnight
commander (mc) to look into tar archives all the time.  Try mc from the
command line and see if the files contained in the tar.tar files are just
files or another level of tar archives.

Hope this gets you going.


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