Because I like to play with things, last night I installed an old TNT
card in my workstation, along with my Matrox card, having decided to
play with XFree86 4.0.  Installation of XFree86 was a bit difficult (I'm
checking into this, could be a weirdness in cpio), and configuration was
well beyond what I'd ever expect my mother to do ;) but it works pretty
well.  I can use either Xinerama, or multihead, and both seem to work.

But, I have a question.  Should I choose to operate the displays as
separate displays, how do I change focus from one display to the other? 
To handle this, for instance, enlightenment starts a copy of itself for
each display, but windows launched in :0.1 don't show up in :0.0's
window list.  Trying this out last night, I wasn't able to grasp just
how I was supposed to move my mouse cursor to the second display, or
focus windows there with any other method.  Maybe they run in different
VT's.  I'll try some more later, but I'm asking now since I probably
still won't figure it out :)

Are there any documents available that describe multihead X
configurations?  I wasn't able to find any.  Please point me in the
right direction.


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