Hi Gordon

Sorry, this is not an answer, but a question for you

Are your monitors the same size?

If not, how did things go? Was it a hassle? Does it look ok? Is it worth
mucking with without monitors of the same size?

I bought a g400 recently, but haven't had time to switch to XFree86 4.0.

I'm also lacking motivvation because the old spare monitor I have is a
15" and I think it might look pretty bad next to my 19" 


On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> Because I like to play with things, last night I installed an old TNT
> card in my workstation, along with my Matrox card, having decided to
> play with XFree86 4.0.  Installation of XFree86 was a bit difficult (I'm
> checking into this, could be a weirdness in cpio), and configuration was
> well beyond what I'd ever expect my mother to do ;) but it works pretty
> well.  I can use either Xinerama, or multihead, and both seem to work.

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