I wonder if your running into the same thing I was...

Check your /etc/fstab file and make sure the sixth field has been setup
correctly.  1 for your root partition and 2 for all other partitions you
want mounted.

I noticed everything (almost) was a 1.  This is bad :-).  Check it out.


Hello RH Guru's:

I sure hope you can help me with this one. Last week I installed a WD
Caviar 102AA 10 gig hard drive and made four partitions: hdc1 four gig,
hdc2 100 meg, hdc3 three gig, and hdc4 three gig. I installed RH 6.2 on
hdc1 and used hdc2 for the swap file. The drives hda and hdb are used
for DOS and Win95.

After a two days on boot up I get a prompt to enter root password for
maintenance to run fsck manually. When I do, I get a series of errors
for inodes 2 through 283692:

    Inode xxxxx has imagic flag set. Clear <y>?
    Inode xxxxx is in use, but has dtime set. Fix <y>?
    Inode xxxxx has illegal block(s). Clear <y>?
    Inode xxxxx ref count is x, should be x. Fix <y>?
    i_fsize for inode xxxxx (...) is xxx, should be xxx. Clear <y>?
    Inode xxxxx (...) has a bad mode (xxxxx). Clear <y>?
    i_frag for inode xxxxx (...) is xxx, should be xxx. Clear <y>?
    i_faddr for inode xxxxx (...) is xxx, should be xxx. Clear <y>?

After ~ 40 minutes of holding the 'Y' key down, fsck reports the fs is
currupted and is automatically restarting and I spend another ~40
minutes holding the 'Y' key down. Upon completion, shut down and reboot.
RH does start and prompts for login. After login, RH seems to work
slugishly and some things don't work anymore. Checking the /lost + found
dir reveals ~16 screens of numbers in various colors, dark blue, yellow,
brown, etc. I assume these were put here by fsck.

The first time this happened I just blew of RH and formatted the
partition and installed again from CD. Now it's happened again.

Can anyone tell me what is happening and perhaps why and possibly a
path/ method to fixing it permanetly?

Thank you.
There is nothing wrong with
      WINDOWS 2000
that Linux couldn't fix

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