Ok, Good People:

I'm going to attempt to answer all the many replies in this email.

Most of you seem to think I have a bad drive. This is a very definite possibility.
Therefore I surfed to the WD support site and downloaded their install/diags
software and tested it. Didn't find any real errors but UMD was turned off, which I
corrected and reset the drive.

With that done, I wiped the drive and installed RH 6.2 a fourth time. Time will
tell if that is the end of the problems.

Unfortunately, my bios only supports one IDE channel so previously I installed a
controller that handles two EIDE channels giving me a total of four drive capacity.
That has become: hda - one gig Maxtor, hdb - 340 meg WD, hdc - 10.2 gig WD and hdd
-  40X CD.

As I have mentioned before, as money permits, I will build another box and hdc will
become hda in the new box. In the mean time, it is in this box to get Linux on it,
to give me something to learn Linux on, to give me something to learn C++ on and
possibly something to basically replace Windoze. Once the hard drive problem is
overcome and I get a stable RH install and manage to get on the web with RH, I'll
be able to settle into learning all I can about it and the 637 packages that seem
to get installed each time.

I mentioned before that I didn't install everything. To clarify, I have installed
everything except the servers. That is to say, I did not install the software for a
web server, news server, ftp server, nfs server, smb server, etc. At this point,
when I learn how to do it I will have a dialup connection to the web and won't be
able to serve anything so the servers were left out. Everything else, including
utilities, dev software, desktops, web client, publishing software, etc. was
installed. If I've left out something that I need, please tell me. I am still a
struggling newbie trying to learn as much as I can.

I really appreciate all the replies I've received so far. I hope I'm not becoming a
pest on this list. I've always felt that asking someone who knows is much better
than making endless mistakes and ending with something that could be an
embarrassment and non functioning.

Thank you all.

Hal Burgiss wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 09:54:03AM -0400, Michael George wrote:
> > On Jun 07, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> > I have an old system with WDs in it.  The first two have worked flawlessly
> > since they were installed.  I just put in a third one, though, and I got
> > similar problems as described.  However, it's only happened once and it was
> > after a test install of another system.  That's no excuse, but it might shed
> > some light.
> >
> > I don't have a lot of money to spend on my system, so I'm not about to go out
> > and buy a new drive unless I need one...  as long as this latest WD keeps its
> > wits about it, I'm going to leave it alone...
> I would suggest every week or so, run 'e2fsck -c' to see if errors
> keep occuring. Just for peace of mind. If so, they likely will get
> worse, based on my recent experience.
> --
> Hal B
> --
> --
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