On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 08:28:01 -0400
 Ward William E PHDN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
# With faster machines, I doubt 3% of the CPU would need to be used for the
#modem.  So yes, the#villain here is the manufacturers who haven't yet supported
#Linux (I wouldn't say"refuse to support Linux".... they just haven't started

Just ordered the $199 Oracle computer which runs Linux 2.2.15 and has a lucent
soft modem at http://thinknic.com  So as the base of linux computers increases I
think modem manufacturers (a few of them at least) start providing drivers. Now
just have to wait for that Philips mp3 cd player to come out next month
http://expanium.com or at least they say it will. 

adam http://www.kaikun.com 

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