I have  /pub directory shared via samba that was beginning to fill up. 
So I used created another partition and mounted it as /pub/Software 
This brings the total space availible to a little over 10GB.  The
trouble is that NT and Windows 98 don't include the space availible
under the Software directory when veiwing in explorer.  Even selecting
the Software directory still shows only the space avail on the partition
that /pub is ounted on.  Is this something that We will jsut have to
live with? I guess I could share the Software directory seperately. 
Would this allow samba to see the space but still be able to keep it
under /pub in the hierarchy? 

greping the docs for partition and mount really did not yeild anything
of value so I am assuming this is not an FAQ.  Perhaps everyone knows
this won't work as I intended so no one bothers to ask the question.

Any thoughts appreciated.


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