Is Samba, the only way to get from an NT box to a Linux box?  I worked in an office 
that I was able
to get to the SUN boxes, but did not use Samba.  Does anyone know why??


BTW.. I am a newbie also...<SORRY>

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On 8/1/2000 at 6:11 PM Chris Watt wrote:

>At 13:18 01/08/00 -0500, Bret Hughes wrote:
>>trouble is that NT and Windows 98 don't include the space availible
>>under the Software directory when veiwing in explorer.  Even selecting
>Samba always reports the amount of writable space (not necessarily the same
>as the amount of free space, since it takes disk quotas into account) on
>whatever filesystem the root directory of a particular share is on. This is
>because neither Windows nor SMB are set up to handle the concept of
>mountpoints within a directory tree. The only way to get a different disk
>space value for /pub/Software is to create a separate share for that dir
>and map it separately (this came up on the Samba list recently).
>Other alternatives to consider are mounting the new device as /pub and
>storing everything on it, or concatenating the new filesystem with the old
>one using software RAID-0 (this usually involves destroying the old
>filesystem, but it's not much of a problem if you have a backup device and
>a separate boot disk).
>Who is this General Failure, and why is he reading my hard disk?
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