
I tried sending mail from one PC to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but that didn't work
neither. I can do both forward and reverse nslookups between the two
PCs. (Actually between all my PCs.)

Having typed this far I thought "I'll follow his tip to the point" and
tried to send mail to gus@[] and it worked!!!

Please, explain to me why. :-)

> ...and you have MTA's listening on all hosts...

Could you please be more specific. I'm a real mail illiterate. :-)


Chuck Mead wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Gustav Schaffter spewed into the bitstream:
> GS>I feel a little bit stupid here, but...
> GS>
> GS>I have had a few PCs in a LAN for more than a year. I have often sent
> GS>mail between users *within* a PC, but I've never had the need to send
> GS>mail between users in *different* PCs in my LAN. Until now... And it
> GS>doesn't work...
> GS>
> GS>If I send a mail (using 'mail') from PC 'odin.yggdrasil.home' to user
> GS>'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' I get the mail in return with the error 'user
> GS>unknown'. (Yes, the user 'gus' exists on freja.yggdrasil.home)
> GS>
> GS>What do I need to setup to make this work? What do I need to read?
> If it's just a small network and you have MTA's listening on all hosts you
> can do it this way and avoid these troubles (which are DNS issues BTW):
> mailto:user@[] (where xxx == ip of destination host)

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