On 27-Sep-2000 Alan Lehman spoke something to the effect:
> I beg to differ on RH not making money on the software. After being
> annoyed at how quickly 6.2 followed 6.1, I waited until about 3 weeks
> ago to buy 6.2. I have 6.1 pro for which I paid roughly $80. I wanted to
> continue to using SWS, but now to do that it was going to cost me $179.
> I finally bit the bullet. Now three weeks later, I'm having to cough up
> another $179 to stay current with 7.0?
> a. Why isn't there an significant upgrade program?
> b. Why is the price increasing so rapidly?

cheapbytes=$1.99+s&h, linuxmall about the same.

Besides, it's almost a given that about every 6 months another release
happens (at least, ever since 4.2, which is when I started using it). The
delay until just before the release of a new version should/could have been
Technology is dominated by those who manage what they don't understand.

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