The following article (quoting Bob Young) from linuxtoday
( may
help to enlighten some users as to Redhat's intentions for the $9.95+/mo
service. Sounds like RH will be offering regular, tested updates of all
programs in the distribution; not just security fixes and the odd program
enhancements previously available via RH updates.

"The catch is when we ship Red Hat Linux we are shipping well over 800 lines
of different programs," he said. "If you accept that each of these programs
update on average once a year, that is two updates per day that you, as a
system administrator, have to track, study and figure out whether you need
[to implement new patches or updates]. The downside to innovation is the
imposition on your time." 

Young said this is the reason why the Linux distributor has launched its Red
Hat Network - an internet-based service which helps administrators deploy
and manage distribution of the Linux operating system. The subscription
service provides update management and customised preferences for security
alerts. Red Hat said the network will double system administrator
productivity as well as enhance the security, reliability and performance of
networked systems. 

"Instead of it being your responsibility to track and certify the system and
do the evaluation, Red Hat will do this automatically for you. [Customers]
have been frustrated with Linux, because it required more of their time,"
said Young. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Dyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: RH 70 and $9.95

Rick Forrister wrote:
> > In the article at cnet (
> > ml? they say that upgrades and bug fixes get
> > sent to the $9.95 customers. Does it mean they won't be freely
> > downloadable any more? If so, then it's not what I would call good
> > news. 
> Martin, it's more than just unlikely that Red Hat is going to try to
> cut the free downloads, it's rediculous on several points.  Red Hat
> has reiterated many times their commitment to Open Source, doesn't
> include non-open source licensed software in the core distribution, 
> and has always put the distribution up for free download on the web
> site & mirrors.  For that matter, RH 7.0 is already up on mirrors, 

And think of this:  let's say that RedHat didn't provide free updates
any more.

Since the bug fixes would still be GPL'd, those RPMs would be ripped off
the CD and available for download in a heartbeat.

 A boss with no humor is like a job that's no fun.

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