On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:

> I'm testing v2.2.17, and have run into a problem.  While the kernel is
> booting, I get the following error:
> Loading aic7xxx module
> /lib/aic7xxx.o: Kernel-module version mismatch
> /lib/aic7xxx.o was compiled for kernel version 2.2.12-20smp while this
> kernel is version 2.2.17.
> kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k block-major-8, errno=2
> VFS: cannot open root device 08:01
> Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 08:01
> Obviously, I'm upgrading from 2.2.12.  Following are the steps I took:
> tar xfvz linux-2.2.17
> cd linux
> make config
> make dep
> make clean
> make bzImage
> <lilo set up>
> make modules
> make modules_install
> Everything /seems/ to have gone off without a hitch.  All of the modules
> installed in /lib/modules/2.2.17 correctly.  The following directories
> now exists in /lib/modules:
> 2.2.12-20
> 2.2.12-20smp
> 2.2.17
> For whatever reason, aix7xxx doesn't seem to be recompiling or the
> incorrect version is being installed.  I always assumed that when
> booting a kernel (such as 2.2.17), it would look to the 2.2.17 modules
> library.  But for some reason (again, I'm assuming here - dangerous
> stuff), the system seems to be trying to pull the aic7xxx from the
> 2.2.12-20smp modules directory.
> Does anyone have an idea as to where I need to go from here?  What am I
> missing?
> Thanks!
> --
> Steve
What does your /etc/lilo.conf look like?  Did you copy the entry for your
old kernel, including the old initial ram disk?  Also, is your root file
system on a SCSI drive?  It sounds like the system is trying to boot off
a SCSI drive, using the module from the RAM disk created for use with the
old kernel.  If this is the case, the fix is easy - compile the SCSI
driver into the kernel, and forget the initial RAM disk.  You can also
create a new initial RAM disk, but if your root file system is off the
SCSI drive, why bother?  You need the SCSI drivers anyway.


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