Oh boy. I'm a bit confused right now :)

First, I have a G400 dual head /  32MB. I'm not sure what the MAX is. Also
I want to do Xinerama (if that matters). There is a Xinerama HOWTO on the
docs CD which seems to spell it out quite clearly. However ..

>From the surfing and reading I have done so far, I am getting conflicting
information. Some sources say we need a 2.3/24 kernel to get this to work
- or at least one with AGP GART support.

So does the 2.2.16-22 kernel have AGP GART support? It appears so. I have
an agpgart module loaded which is used by the mga module. Can anyone
verify this is ok?

So far, I have gotten as far as a single head setup working with XFree86
4.0. It's 'XFree86 -configure' btw. Anyway, the problem seems to be that
XFree86 -scanpci only reveals one card and one bus id, where we need two!
I've tried setting up two monitor and screen sections, but only have one
device section right now. I don't know what to use for a second device

So, has anyone gotten a dual headed config working with this card? Would
the real slim shady please stand up?

I'm starting to think this card wasn't such a good buy after all. It
appears the second monitor can only do 1280x1024 with true color anyway.

Helpful docs so far have been:

man XFree86 XF86Config mga 


On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Kevin Wood wrote:

> Funny you mention dual head :)  Has anyone gotten the Matrox G400 MAX
> (Dual Head on AGP Card) running?  I have a couple and I am trying to get
> them running.  Is the Matrox driver included with RH?
> Thanks
> Kevin
> Thornton Prime wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Kevin Wood wrote:
> > 
> > > Has anyone gotten Xfree86-4.0.1a for RH 7.0 configured correctly the
> > > first time?  I know Xconfigurator doesn't work correctly and the
> > > graphical one during the install doesn't work correctly.  I can
> > > configure it by hand, but I tell you, this will immediately kill their
> > > chances with a new crowd of windows users moving to linux if they can't
> > > get this straight.  Does anyone have a good utility for setting up X
> > > under RH7.0?  Any info would be great.
> > 
> > The installer worked fine detecting both my cards and setting up a
> > dual-headed display first time around. I was impressed.
> > 
> > Did you try running XFree86 -config ?

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