Charles Galpin wrote:
> Oh boy. I'm a bit confused right now :)
> First, I have a G400 dual head /  32MB. I'm not sure what the MAX is. Also
> I want to do Xinerama (if that matters). There is a Xinerama HOWTO on the
> docs CD which seems to spell it out quite clearly. However ..
> >From the surfing and reading I have done so far, I am getting conflicting
> information. Some sources say we need a 2.3/24 kernel to get this to work
> - or at least one with AGP GART support.

2.2.14-12 and 2.2.16-3 had the gart module for running on the i810. 
This was accomplished by installing the upgrade.  With 7.0 it's even in
the installer as my i810 at hom eloading in graphical mode (at 1024x768
mind you!) and worked great.  You shouldn't have an issue with this.

> So does the 2.2.16-22 kernel have AGP GART support? It appears so. I have
> an agpgart module loaded which is used by the mga module. Can anyone
> verify this is ok?
> So far, I have gotten as far as a single head setup working with XFree86
> 4.0. It's 'XFree86 -configure' btw. Anyway, the problem seems to be that
> XFree86 -scanpci only reveals one card and one bus id, where we need two!
> I've tried setting up two monitor and screen sections, but only have one
> device section right now. I don't know what to use for a second device
> section.

Here is an XF86Config file you can reference.  It works great on a dual
Voodoo3 system, but it will show you the layout that you need.  You will
probably need to change the mode lines and add a device and a screen.

> So, has anyone gotten a dual headed config working with this card? Would
> the real slim shady please stand up?

Uhhh, too much MTV music awards.  Time to cut back :)  (Awful hard to
when that's all they show nowadays.

> I'm starting to think this card wasn't such a good buy after all. It
> appears the second monitor can only do 1280x1024 with true color anyway.
> geez.

It should do higher than that.  Also, bear in mind, when using dual
head, both cards must have the same resolution and color depth or the
config will fail.

> Helpful docs so far have been:
> man XFree86 XF86Config mga
> thanks
> charles



> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Kevin Wood wrote:
> > Funny you mention dual head :)  Has anyone gotten the Matrox G400 MAX
> > (Dual Head on AGP Card) running?  I have a couple and I am trying to get
> > them running.  Is the Matrox driver included with RH?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> > Thornton Prime wrote:
> > >
> > > On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Kevin Wood wrote:
> > >
> > > > Has anyone gotten Xfree86-4.0.1a for RH 7.0 configured correctly the
> > > > first time?  I know Xconfigurator doesn't work correctly and the
> > > > graphical one during the install doesn't work correctly.  I can
> > > > configure it by hand, but I tell you, this will immediately kill their
> > > > chances with a new crowd of windows users moving to linux if they can't
> > > > get this straight.  Does anyone have a good utility for setting up X
> > > > under RH7.0?  Any info would be great.
> > >
> > > The installer worked fine detecting both my cards and setting up a
> > > dual-headed display first time around. I was impressed.
> > >
> > > Did you try running XFree86 -config ?
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Kevin Wood
Atipa Linux Solutions
850 East Industrial Park Drive
Suite 8
Manchester, NH  03109
P(603)622-7171 x 15


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