Eddie Strohmeyer wrote:
Quote on:
I know from seeing past post that quite a few of you have DSL and I have
just been informed today that DSL is now available in my area via
earthlink.net. They are charging 49.95 /month and the offer includes:
· FREE DSL Modem and Equipment
· FREE Professional Installation
· FREE Setup
It's 24/7 and 0 startup, free DSL equipment and free installation, and free
setup though I think the setup part will probably be restricted to the
Windozze customer. I use 6.2 as dialup server on an internal network with
some RH 6.0 and windoze machines. Is this a good deal. Sorry if off topic
but I want to hear it from the guys and gals who know. And I miss my T-1 so
bad I have to do something to gain some of that speed back. :-)

Eddie Strohmier
Quote off.

That's the deal I got last spring from Covad and i-2000.com.  But make
sure they give you an ethernet card and an external terminal adapter!
Otherwise it's not likely to work in Linux.  Also, it would be impossible
to hook up a Linksys router as a firewall. That setup works fine in Linux.
(I'm at work now, so using MSWIN.)

You'll enjoy the DSL!  --doug


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