>Message: 9
>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 10:12:49 -0600
>From: "Manuel A. Camacho Q." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: BASIC (ugh) on RH 7
> > > Can anyone suggest an alternative.  I may have to find an actual DOS 
> system!
> > >
> > DOSEMU, or Opendos, which ships with a lot of distros. :-)
>If you require to install DOS in a partition, try FreeDOS. It is
>available in the net for downloading.
There is a program called BW BASIC for Linux.  However, when I
tried to run some fairly simple programs that run in DOS's GW BASIC,
they wouldn't.  I didn't spend a lot of time trying to find out why,
but if you or anyone else has a better idea, I'd like to know.
(That was a few distro's ago, BTW.  Maybe it works better now.)
I think you may find this on one of your CD's.  --doug

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