Bruce Kall wrote:

> Who has the order the rpm's need to be installed?  I get dependency
> failures and it seems like I'm in an infinite loop.  Are there any
> other packages beside stock 6.2 and qt I need before installing the
> kde rpms?
> Bruce

Bruce -

It may be that the problem you are experienceing is due to packages depending on
each other need to be installed with the same command.

rpm -Uvh kde-whatever1.rpm kde-whatever2.rpm dependency-package1.rpm ... you get
the idea.

What I usually do in this case is put all the packages that need each other in a
seperate directory and do rpm -Uvh *.rpm.  This makes it easy to add/subtract
packages from my list.

rpm will read the dependencies and most of the time figure out that everything
is there (if it is) and you are jammin'.  If you are trying to install/upgrade
them one at a time then it will never work without --force or nodeps or
something like that but I hate that because it is too easy to miss something.

If you are already doing that, then delete this message, mutter something about
wasted bandwidth on the list and hope you get an answer from someone else :-)

I have no idea about the kde dependencies but you should get a list of them when
you try to upgrade/install it.


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