On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Rob Hardowa wrote:

> I'm on a DSL line and I need to set up a temporary one time FTP server to
> have a co-worker transfer to me a very large uncompressed wav audio file. 
> My quesiton is:
> Is there a way to find out my IP address so he can connect?

As mentioned by others, ifconfig will help you find the IP's associated
with local interfaces.  However, if you're using a routing DSL modem (the
kind that does NAT rather than PPPoE), you'll probably have to use
snmpwalk to find the IP address.  This will be easiest if you know what
network block you're in.

I was using something like this in a script a while ago:
snmpwalk public ip.ipAddrTable.ipAddrEntry.ipAdEntAddr | \
       grep '12\.18\.16.'


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