On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Hal Burgiss wrote:

> This is misleading I believe. I've had an Alcatel 1000 (predecessor of
> the STH) for over a year, and I run web, mail, ftp, etc. I don't know
> what they are trying to say here, but it probably suffers in the
> translation. The only way to block this stuff is via ipchains or
> similar. Today's hits so far:

Well, from the description he gave of his network setup, there's probably
some significant differences in your setup.  You seem to have a public IP
on your NIC, which I assume means that your modem is a "bridge", decoding
the IP packets, and sending them directly to your NIC.  His description of
his network, and the manual for his modem indicate that his NIC is doing
NAT.  His NIC has an IP in the 10.xxx.xxx.xxx network range, as does his
modem's internal interface.

> The Pro is full scale DSL router, doing NAT, etc. The Home and 1000
> are bridges. Traffic should move regardless. Newer versions have PPPoA
> capability, but no PPPoE.

I don't want to download the PDF again, but I'm almost positive that it
said PPPoE there...

> > Probably a transparent proxy.  My provider has put one of those up a
> > couple of times.  Later it fails, and everyone looses service for a couple
> > of hours and they turn it off for a couple months before trying again.
> <G>. Bellsouth's is off right now until further notice. PITA.

Aren't they, though?  They piss me right off.


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