I have a Yamaha SCSI CD writer attached to my dual PII-Xeon machine. 
The writer and IBM 18G drive are attached to an Adaptec Ultra 160
controller. The machine is running RH 6.2 with the 2.2.16smp kernel. 
I have downloaded and compiled the CDRECORD tools.  When I try to rip
audio using cdda2wav I get success only through the point where I
start actually receiving audio data.  I may then be successful in
getting the first track but eventually, the system just dies.

I have finally figured out the eventually I get a SCSI command
timeout.  So, to try different fixes, I've exchanged the CD rom drive
with a new one of the same model.  I've tried terminating the CD with
its own terminator as well as using an external one.  I still have the
same problem.

Is there anyone out there who's successfully used this drive?



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