On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 04:53:24PM -0500, Barry L. Kline wrote:
> I have a Yamaha SCSI CD writer attached to my dual PII-Xeon machine. 
> The writer and IBM 18G drive are attached to an Adaptec Ultra 160
> controller. The machine is running RH 6.2 with the 2.2.16smp kernel. 
> I have downloaded and compiled the CDRECORD tools.  When I try to rip
> audio using cdda2wav I get success only through the point where I
> start actually receiving audio data.  I may then be successful in
> getting the first track but eventually, the system just dies.
> I have finally figured out the eventually I get a SCSI command
> timeout.  So, to try different fixes, I've exchanged the CD rom drive
> with a new one of the same model.  I've tried terminating the CD with
> its own terminator as well as using an external one.  I still have the
> same problem.

Which motherboard and chipset are you using?

I'm using a Yamaha 6416 SCSI and had terrible timeout problems. I had
to change the motherboard to resolve the issue. The problem
motherboard was an FIC PA2013 with a VIA chipset. The replacement is
an ASUS P5 with an ALi chipset. All other hardware remains the same
and my problem is gone. I'm not sure whether it was flakiness on the
part of the motherboard hardware or a kernel bug which affected the
PCI controller of the VIA chipset.

Ron Golan

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