man rpm

       The general form of an rpm install command is

            rpm -i [install-options] <package_file>+

       This installs a new package.  The general form of an rpm upgrade
command is

            rpm -U [install-options] <package_file>+

       This upgrades or installs the package currently installed to the
version in the new RPM.  This is the  same  as
       install, except all other version of the package are removed from the

might want to try rpm -Uvh on packages you are upgrading(not installing)


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Ruggiero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 1:02 PM
Subject: [RHL] Chicken-and-egg problem with glibc and rpm

Today's fun and games:

Okay, so I want to upgrade to the newest version of "patch", which I
apparently need for some of the latest-and-greatest kernel patches. (This
is for my firewall machine - generic RH6.2 with a fairly-current 2.2.17
kernel from rawhide rpms, necessary because I need IPSEC support) So I
snarf the "patch" package's .rpm and try an install:

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        60007 Nov 26 12:23
[/tmp]# rpm -ivh patch*
error: failed dependencies: is needed by patch-2.5.4-8

No problem, I need a new glibc. I get it and try and install it first:

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root    13100397 Nov 26 12:59
[/tmp]# rpm -ivh glibc*
error: failed dependencies:
         rpm <= 4.0-0.65 conflicts with glibc-2.1.97-2

Ooops, it conflicts with my current version of rpm. Okay, so let's upgrade
rpm first instead:

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      1232892 Nov 26 13:41 rpm-4.0-4.4.i386.rpm
[/tmp]# rpm -ivh rpm*
error: failed dependencies:
         glibc >= 2.1.92 is needed by rpm-4.0-4.4
         db1 = 1.85 is needed by rpm-4.0-4.4 is needed by rpm-4.0-4.4 is needed by rpm-4.0-4.4 is needed by rpm-4.0-4.4

SO...long story short, I can't install glibc because it will break rpm, BUT
if I install the new RPM first, it will fail because I've still got the old
glibc, and I'll have no way to install the new one, because I need a
working "rpm" to do that....<sigh>

What do people do in chicken-and-egg situations like this? I'm all ears for
a solution (a pointer to an appropriate net.resource is fine, too).


PS: I know that RPM is pretty good at figuring out dependencies, etc, if
you give it all packages to be upgraded at once shot (ie, "rpm -ivh *.rpm).
But I figure that may not apply here, where one of the packages to be
installed *IS* rpm itself.

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