Hi David,

> What do people do in chicken-and-egg situations like this? I'm all ears for a
> solution (a pointer to an appropriate net.resource is fine, too).

 Just out of curiosity, I tried this at home :-). It didn't kill me nor my 6.2 
firewall. (I used my backup partition, just as a precaution.)
 The answer is: Use a lot of --force (and --nodeps). Probably the combined 
packages on the command line will also do the trick.
 The order I used (and the system still boots, but I am not 100% sure it does 
all you want it to do):

rpm -i --nodeps --force glibc-2.2-5.i386.rpm
rpm -i --nodeps --force bzip2-1.0.1-3.i386.rpm
rpm -i --nodeps --force bzip2-devel-1.0.1-3.i386.rpm
rpm -i --nodeps --force db1-1.85-5.i386.rpm
(rpm -i --nodeps --force db2-2.4.14-5.i386.rpm)
rpm -i --nodeps --force db3-3.1.17-4.i386.rpm
(maybe I didn't need both options on all previous packs)
and finally
rpm -i --nodeps --force rpm-4.0.1-0.13.i386.rpm
note that rpm-4 was complaining 
rpm <= 4.0-0.65 conflicts with glibc-2.2-5
when I didn't use --nodeps. Strange, isn't it?
and of course
rpm --rebuilddb
 I would suggest you use --nodeps without --force first to see the warnings, 
just to make sure they don't bother you.
 Now both glibs and rpms live happily side by side. (I could have probably 
just upgraded rpm.)
 I hope this is enough reassurance, and that this procedure may not render 
your system useless :). Probably a redundant warning, but don't remove your 
current glibc, or you will not be able to use your current binaries (/system).



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