On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Jonathan Wilson wrote:

> I can think of several considerations:
> 1. At least some level of backup needs to happen every day, i.e. at least a back up 
>of /etc to a local tarball.
> 2. Though we have lots of space and can get more, we can't keep archives forever. 
>There probably should be some sort of trailing increments (whatever that means..) 
>like every day for the past 4 weeks, every other day of 2 and 3 months ago, Sunday 
>and Wednesday of 4 and 5 months ago, once a month for a year back after that. Or 
>whatever..... maybe some sort of versioning system like CVS
> 3. We need to be able to get single files back out of the archive without a big 
>to-do. You know, like if someone edit's Apache's conf file right before they leave 
>and we find out the next morning that it's screwed up and we want to go back a day. 
>This is my primary reason for not wanting to use tapes, and wanting to use hard disks.

For part of handling 1 and 3 and configuration files, I'd recommend
getting all your admins in the habit of using rcs. This gives you more
benefits than just backup in case someone makes a goof, such as logging of
who did what and why, ability to see exactly what was changed all the way
back to the first version of the file, etc. Very handy, but one does have
to develop the habit to actually use it.

I've had good luck with amanda as a backup solution, but then you don't
want to rely on tapes. To each his own.

Amanda is moving towards supporting more than just tapes, I don't know
when that support is due, however.


Bill Carlson
Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/        |  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics        |

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