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On 17/12/00 at 12:46 Cameron Simpson wrote:

>On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 11:31:09AM -0700, Bill Anderson
>| > > Or my favorite:
>| > > rm -rf .*
>| > > thinking it will remove the current directory OR all the dotfiles in
>| > > current directory ... and are root.
>| > I assume this will delete everything from the parent directory down?
at least ls .* appears to return the .. dir as well.  hmm pretty scary.
>| It will limb it's way back up the tree to /. 

on the previous post....
when root I would re frame from -f even if you double check your spieling

>It will not.
>| I've seen it.
>I'd give good odds you've misinterpreted some subtly different
>or been just below the root dir anyway.
>While we're bitching about rm, anyone know how to fix its prompting
>On normal UNIXen the incantation
>       rm blah
>will prompt for removal if you haven't write permission to blah as a
>check. Naturally,
>       rm -f blah
>doesn't ask.
>If I leave off the -f flag GNU rm seems to ask about _every_ bloody
>file. This makes it so close to useless that one must use -f all the
>time. Which is VERY VERY BAD, because it makes habitual the "don't do
>any sanity checks at all" mode. Dangerous in the extreme.
>Does GNU rm have some saner middle ground? The manual entry is
>unhelpful (no surprise there with the GNU manuals, on the whole; you
>can spare me the "bad info is the One True Path" mantra, thanks).

Why not use grep in a combo ?, at least you won't get so many prompts,
though you have probably though of this....

Writing a script that ask for confirmation to delete a batch of files that
match a query should not be too involved? I would have thought you would
have one Cameron. <remembering your script dir>


Greg Wright
IT Consultant Sydney Australia


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