At 07:45 PM 12/16/00 -0800, you wrote:

>These machines run RedHat with no problems?  One person told me RedHat 
>didn't run smoothly on HP machines.  I'm willing to consider them tho, if 
>they will work =)

Or do you want consider one from penguincomputing (
I see their ad on Linux Journal magazine, for

High traffic Internet Server
Relion(tm) 200X

two 800 mhz Intel Pentium III CPUs
512 MB ECC SDRAM Memory (Expandable to 2 Gb)
18 GB, 10,000 RPM LVD SCSI Drive

48X CD-Rom Drive
3.5" 1.44 MB Floppy Drive
Integrated 10/100bT Ethernet
Use Penguin Promo Code R200X-LJ12

High Availability Internet Server
Relion(tm) 200SX

Two 850 Mhz Intel Pentium III CPUs
Three Hot-Swappable 18 GB 10,000 RPM LVD SCSI Drives
AMI MegaRAID Express 300 Adapter
Integrated 10/100 bT Ethernet
optional Hot-Swap Power Supplies Available
Use Penguin Promo Code R200SX-LJ12

BTW how much is your budget ?

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