Interesting...I don't recall seeing that as an option when I set this
disk up. (Oh...did I mention that I was the one who partitioned the
drive? <G>)

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 17:28:18 -0500, Fred Edmister wrote:

>         From my experience, the +'s mean that when the system was 
>configured, those partitions were set to expand to fill the disk should 
>there be any room left...  I have one partition set on my servers to 
>expand, I'm not sure what the details are on the expansion... (wether it 
>only expands as needed or just when there is extra space, it automatically 
>claims it.. )  Hope this helps.
>         Fred
>At 05:23 PM 12/21/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>One of my customers asked me this question, today, and I really didn't
>>have an answer...since the same phenomenon appears on my systems, I assume
>>them to be normal.
>> it is.  If anyone has an answer, I'd sure love to hear it:
>>Here is a capture of 'fdisk' for the boot drive on the front end
>>Disk /dev/hda: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1652 cylinders
>>Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes
>>    Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
>>/dev/hda1            1        1      712   358816+  83  Linux native
>>/dev/hda2          713      713      916   102816   83  Linux native
>>/dev/hda3          917      917     1170   128016   82  Linux swap
>>/dev/hda4         1024     1171     1652   242928    5  Extended
>>/dev/hda5         1024     1171     1424   127984+  82  Linux swap
>>/dev/hda6         1024     1425     1652   114880+  82  Linux swap
>>My question is about the "+" signs that appear in the Blocks column
>>for hda1 hda5 and hda6. What's that mean?
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