Hi Yuri,

> PK> - 100% Windows compatibility, you even get a BIOS!!!
> what's this ? do you mean DOS or am I missing some Windows specific
> BIOS? <G>

No, I meant it emulates a complete PC right down to having it's own BIOS and 

> Does VMWare run NT 4.0 and 5 well? Will AMD K6-3 333 with 256 MB RAM
> be snappy enough?

Naturally the more memory and CPU the better the performance.  Memory seems 
to be most important I have found.  The minimum spec they recommend I believe 
is a Pentium 266.  I used to run it on a Cyrix (about 245MHz) but recently 
upgraded to a Celeron 566 (which is now overclocked to 850MHz) running 256Mb 
of ram.

It's not 100% as fast as running Windows natively but I believe it is quite 
usuable.  At home I run Windows 98 and Windows 2000 inside VMware for Linux 
and except maybe for mouse performance I am quite happy with it.

Probably you would find Win4Lin is faster but VMware gives a much more 
complete environment.

| Peter Kiem            | E-Mail    : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
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