Wes Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm using the stock version of Sendmail that come with Red Hat 6.2 
>(Sendmail 8.9.3)
>I'm trying to setup backup mail servers, and my MX records in my named 
>files look like this:
>         IN      MX      10      mail1.mydomain.com.
>         IN      MX      20      mail2.mydomain.com.
>I can get mail successfully at mail1.mydomain.com.  However when I 
>shutdown mail1's sendmail server, I see the follow errors in the log files 
>of mail2.mydomain.com.
>Jan  9 22:55:55 ns4 sendmail[15332]: WAA15332: ruleset=check_rcpt, 
>domain.com>, relay=ont-cvx2-26.linkline.com [], reject=550 <wguy@
>mydomain.com>... Relaying denied
>I remember setting this up for redhat 5.2, and I had to put the domains I 
>wanted backup mail for in a file called /etc/mail/relay_allow, and make 
>sure that domain wasn't in my /etc/sendmail.cw file.  I also remember 
>editing the /etc/sendmail.cf file with some funny rulesets.  I have 
>searched high and low on the sendmail.org site, and I don't see anything 
>that says backup mail server.
>Is the new sendmail smart enough to check the DNS settings and see if it 
>is a backup mail server?  Any suggestions on how to fix my problem up above?

Sendmail and DNS are two entirely separate entities and sendmail doesn't 
"check" DNS to see if its supposed to be a backup mail server.  From your 
message, DNS appears to be doing its job - namely providing the IP address 
of your backup mail server in the event the primary one is 
unavailable.  Sounds like the problem is with one of sendmail's 
configuration files.  My backup mail has an entry in 
/etc/mail/relay-domains, my /etc/sendmail.cw file is empty and I did "roll 
my own" sendmail.cf file using the m4 macro processor, but I don't remember 
any funny rulesets.  I *think* the location and names of some of the files 
changed between 5.2 and 6.2, so you may want to use the m4 macro processor 
to create the sendmail.cf file and point it at the correct files.



Eric Sisler
Library Computer Technician
Westminster Public Library
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