> There are those who say that previous Red Hat releases were full of
> holes caused by the way Red Hat set things up in a default
> install... Welp... lemme repeat myself:
> "...the sys-admin's who get busted had better look to their own
> professionalism instead of blaming Red Hat!" The tools to do what's
> necessary have always been available. Perhaps the problem is that there
> are lots of folks coming into the space wanting to be and pretending to
> be sys-admins. The wanna-bes will eventually figure it out because they
> want to... the pretenders will continue to pretend. But none of that is
> Red Hat's fault... from my perspective, as a professional in the Linux
> space, they did and do exactly what I need them to do so I can support
> my clients and the boxen for which I'm responsible. The rest of it is on
> me!:-)

For professional sys-admins caught by this, I would completely agree.
But RH is also being sold to home users for home use, many of them
complete Linux/unix newbies, and who are increasingly attaching them to
DSL connections. So in my opinion, the default setup should be extremely
restrictive, with virtually all services disabled. The professionals and
more experienced Linux users should be capable of turning on the ones
they want.


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