> Will gcc version supplied with RH6.0 be OK to compile 2.4.0 source?


> Is it possible in recompiling to take the bits you want to keep in the
> existing kernel?  I'm worried I may not check a box in Xconfig and lose
> somthing that works fine now.

You have to completely reconfig the kernel.. You could, perhaps, copy the
.config file over though... but you'll still have to at least write it out
again whether you make changes or not so that you get an updated version
of it. 2.4.0 is so different from 2.2.x.. such as if you want PPP support
compiled in, you can't set version info on any modules, and you have to
make /dev/ppp, and you need to upgrade the ppp package on your system to
2.4.x (coincidentally matches the kernel version), etc. Read all the
documentation.. especially if you're coming up from a <= 2.2.x based
system. The Changes file is a must read (part of the kernel source tree).
There are things that must be upgraded since you're running 6.0 (which has
lots of outdated and exploited stuff by now I'm sure).

> If I put in SCSI support as Modules how do set these up so they run
> automatically when required by the hardware/software? The pppd at the moment
> which loads when required on my system.

Remember to make and use an initial ramdisk (initrd) when you're doing
SCSI stuff (man mkinitrd). Auto module loading is usually the job of
/etc/conf.modules and /etc/modules.conf

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