On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, David Brenner, Ph.D. wrote:

> To All,
> I am looking for advice and links to more info on the following:
> My sons school has about fifty pc we need to network.
> We have a DSL line. We need to have web access and file services. E-mail is
> also a possibility.
> I think we need two linux boxes.
> Box 1 will be firewall/proxy server. Two NICs, one with IP from DSL
> provider, other to switch for network.
You may also want to set up sendmail on this box to act as a Spam
filter, and to forward incomming mail to machine #2.  You can also use
port forwarding to send incomming mail connections directly to Box 2.
> Box 2 will be file server (running Samba) and DNS server (do I also need
> DHCP?)
You do not need DHCP, but it can be handy.  It makes setting up the
Windows machine a snap.  You just leave the default config, and set up
DHCP to send the name server, gateway, WINS server, and IP address to
the machine when it boots up.  Then if you change any network settings,
you only have to make the changes in /etc/dhcpd.conf, and the rest of
the machines will get updated the next time you reboot them, or when
they upgrade their lease.
> Workstations are mostly Win95/98 but also have a few macs.
> I am looking for software suggestions for firewall/proxy server (Squid?
> Socks?).
> Should I split firewall and proxy between two boxes? If so I have an older
> pentium I could use for firewall.
I cann't help you here - browsing habbits here don't make setting up
a proxy server worth it.
> If we go with e-mail should I put that on a seperate server? If so what type
> of hardware?
Unless you figure on a LOT of e-mail, you can put it on the same machine
as Samba.  For a school, I don't expect that heavy of mail trafic.  Mail
load also tends to be spread out, when as most of your load on the Samba
server will probably at the start of a class, where a lot of students
will want the same files all at once.
> I have found information on the detailed setup issues involved with some of
> the software (squid, socks,firewall) and have experience with SAMBA. What I
> need is real world experience on what works best and/or is easy to set up
> and maintain.
> Any links or advice is greatly appreciated.
> TIA.
> David Brenner


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