On Sun, 18 Feb 2001, Paul Chapman wrote:

> I have a problem that is baffling me at the moment.  After
> repartitioning and installing RH7 and Lilo in the mbr I am unable to
> boot into anything but linux.  Attempting to use the dos prompt in lolo
> just gets me a blinking curser.  Using any of the win98 or fips or
> mcafee emergency boot diskettes gets me the same thing (after a short
> while reading the floppy).
How did you do the repartitioning?  It sounds like Win98 doesn't
reconize its partition any more.
> I can mount the dos partition and the floppy ok from linux and look at
> the contents.  Everything seems to be there.
Linux is actualy a bit more flexable then Windows when it comes to
reading partitions.
> I tried to remove lilo (and restore the original mbr) with dd and cat
> (as in the howto) but it is still there.  I don't have a dos diskette
> handy to try dos that to try to boot into dos and move it that way.
> Thanks,
> Paul
>From what you have discribed, you do not have a LILO problem, but a
problem with how you repartitioned the drive.  It may be something as
simple as having set the wrong partition type on the Win98 partition, or
it may be that the software you used didn't reset the values at the
beginning of the Windows partition.  Changing the mode of the drive will
also cause problems like this.  (From LARGE to NORMAL or LBA, etc...)

There is one way it could be a LILO problem - if you had to install some
software before the system could see all of the drive.  This software
loads into the MBR, and is loaded as a BIOS extension, and takes over
booting the rest of the system.  You will usualy see some message about
hitting a key to boot from floppy when this is the case.  With this
setup, you also can not boot Windows directly from a floppy.  Installing
lilo to the MBR overwrites this software.  You have to install lilo to
the /boot or /root partition in this case, and mark that partition as


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