> I will be installing RH7 soon, and need to know a few things.  One, what is
> the difference between RHL7, and RHDeluxe workstation, and professional
> server? (besides price)  This will be on my home PC.
> Secondly, what would be the best books to buy?  Thanks

If you're a newbie, stick to the basic package.  If you don't know you
need the extra features of the others, then you probably don't, and
there is plenty in the basic version of RH to keep you busy for a long
long time.

As for books -- www.oreilly.com is a great resource, so is
Addison-Wesley, but as for specifics it all depends on what you want to

I'd steer clear of RedHat-specific books in case you every have to
interact with something else.

A couple of my favorite general books are "Running Linux" and "Linux in
a Nutshell," both from O'Reilly.

Running Linux is a primer, meant to be read like a textbook.  It will
start by assuming you know nothing, take you through installation and
the basics, and end you up as a pretty accomplished Linux user and admin
if you follow it all the way through.

Linux in a Nutshell is a reference, to be kept around for those times
when you know the gist of what you want to do but can't remember the
details.  You might want to save buying that one for a little while
later after you've found yourself thumbing back through other books
looking for that bit of info that you read three months ago.

OR, you can skip the books entirely once you get past the basics of
getting your Linux box up and onto the network.  There's an abundance of
info at the online support sites, and it's generally more up to date
than any book.  I rarely open a Linux book these days, a web browser is
just so much more convenient.

Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation

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