On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 12:31:31AM -0600, Bret Hughes wrote:
> Hal Burgiss wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 10:40:21PM -0600, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > > Has anyone got the flash plugin working on mozilla?  Does the
> > > one for netscape do it?  I copied the file from
> > > flash_linux.tar.gz to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins but no flash.  I
> > > have searched all over the place for the right fm to r but only
> > > find some obscure references with no indication that it does or
> > > does not work.
> > >
> > > I found the thread on the list for a jre.xpi or something like
> > > that is this what I need to do?  is there a flash.xpi?
> > 
> > Seems to work OK here. I just created symlinks from
> > mozilla/plugins to netscape/plugins for ShockwaveFlash.class and
> > libflashplayer.so.
> > 
> was that in the usr tree or your home dir?

> Also when I open the preferences and look at helper applications the
> only thing ther is tex/html are all your mime types there? 

No, much the same. I also have text/plain, and that's it. So I can't
answer that. Not sure any of this is really documented anywhere, or
how it is 'really' supposed to work.

Hal B

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