Hello Everyone:

I have just installed RH 7.0 (Respin) and I had a problem getting past
DiskDruid. I used fdisk to set a Linux partiton on hdb3 and selected it
for the mount point. However, once this was done (I tried several times)
the "NEXT" button would not work. "Manually Partition with Fdisk" and
"Manually Partition with DiskDruid" were both tried with no success.
Finally, "Auto install" was selected and it did install. BUT, the
install started at hda4 {620 meg} (which was RH 6.2 for maintanence when
I have problems with the main install) and continued on hdb1 {2 gig}
which was setup on Win95 32 bit for win95 files. How can I blow all this
away and get RH 7.0 to install only on hdb3, a four gig partition for

Thank you.

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