Now thats an answer! 

Maybe I can get back to you after I've investigated... I think I know who
supports the Exchange Server... and while I'm sweet-talking him I can
investigate how fetchmail works

I particularly like your idea about letting my chosen MUA work in it's more
or less default local mode



-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Melvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 09 March 2001 11:53
To: Parker,B,Bill,IVOT2 PARKERB3 C
Cc: redhat-list
Subject: RE: Microsoft Exchange

On Fri, 9 Mar 2001 at 11:13am (-0000), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Unfortunately I found this reponse less than useful.
> I have no problem with sendmail as a MTA. I'm already using it. I guess I
> can use Netscape as a MUA if I have to, although I'm happier with pine or
> elm
> But how do I configure any/all of these to connect to a MS Exchange
> I've no idea what protocols are used (tcp/ip? IPX? who knows?) or how to
> communicate generally with such a beast

It depends how co-operative your exchange server is.  It'll talk pop and
imap for your incoming and obviously smtp for your outoing.  You hope. :)
The pop and imap services might have been turned off if the exchange server
exists in a MAPI (outlook) only environment in which cause you might have to
buy your admin a drink or two. :)

Pine speaks imap well and pop /kinda/ okay and will happily send to a remote
smtp server.  I'm not aware of elm's capabilities.

Anyway - I'd recomend you use fetchmail to pull down your mail from the
exchange server and let the unix client of your choise read it locally.  And
setup sendmail on your box to use the exchange box as a smart host - again
your unix MUA's get to be behave normally with the local services.

For things like shared calanders and task lists your options are more
limited.  I know tasks are accessable via imap but I don't know how feature
complete it might be.  I use fetchmail to read my tasks from our exchange
server but use terminal server and outlook to uptdate them so *shurg*.

If you decide to go down this road let us know if you should need any more
specific information or details.. :)


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